
Monday, April 7, 2014

Chile Rellenos with Mexican Rice

This happens to be my favorite food, and I am not going to lie, it is the most time consuming thing to cook! I started cooking at 12:30-ish and didn't finish until about 7pm! Granted my daughter has needs so I had stop ever so often but luckily my sister was over to help me with her. Any who, every time I cook these I have to make a lot only because I know I won't be making them in a while haha! Now, this is one of those meals that practice makes perfect. And today, they were perfect and simply undoubtedly delicious. Enjoy!

• Pablano Peppers (I used 12-- 6 cheese, 6 meat) 
• 6 eggs, yolk separated from egg whites
• 1/2 lb of cheese of your choice, sheredded. I used Monterey Jack
• 6 Roma Tomatoes
• 1/4 onion
• 1 Jalapeño 
• 1 lb of Ground Beef
• 1 cup of Rice 
• 4 tablespoon of Chicken Boullion
• Spanish Olives
• Raisins
• Pork Lard (optional)


Before we begin, clean the Poblano Peppers with cold soapy water and dry when done. Cut a little slit on the side of each pepper about 1/2 of an inch or less to let the steam come in. 

Heat up a roasting pan on medium high to roast your peppers. 

While the peppers roast start on the meat filling. 
Cook the ground meat and drain when cooked thoroughly.

Return meat to pan and add 1 table spoon of chicken bouillon, olives, raisins and set aside to cool down. I know it sounds weird but trust me, it is SO good.

Now don't forget on the peppers! They have to be toasted but not burnt or when it come to peeling them you might get a hole which will make stuffing and frying impossible.

Once roasted on each side place inside a bag and close tightly. The moister is going to help the pepper sweat which will make it is easier to peel.

Once in bag let them sit until skin looks lifted. Peel skin off like so makes sure to get all of the skin.


Let peppers sit for 10 minutes. Meanwhile start on the salsa for the meat filled Chile Rellenos. 

In a medium sauce pan bring the pot filled with water to a boil add 4 tomatoes and jalapeño. Once you see the skin of the tomatoes peel turn off your stove. Take all of the skin off the tomatoes but be careful not to let tomato juice out. Now on my jalapeño I took off the seeds-I wanted the spice but I also wanted to enjoy my food lol. 

Place everything in a blender with NO water! Include a tablespoon of Chicken Bouillon. And blend until smooth.

Place salsa back in a sauce pan and cover.

Now to stuff! This to me was the hardest! Here is where practice makes perfect comes in. You can choose to wear a glove during this because if you get a hot pepper your index finger is going to burn all day. 

Take your pepper and find the slit you made early this hole should not become more than maybe 3 inches long! We have to take out the seeds first so
hold your pepper upside down and with your index finger scoop the seed out. Try your best to get the all out without making a hole in the pepper. Plus no one want a mouthful of seeds.

When seeds are completely gone start to stuff your pepper with both your index finger, middle and your thumb. 

Do the same with the meat. I use a spoon with this one. 

Once you are done stuffing all your peppers, coat your pepper in flour. 

I used Pork Lard to fry these but that is up to you. I grew up to it so using anything other than the lard doesn't taste as good. Any way, heat your choice of oil or lard up. 

Take your eggs and seperate them. In a mixer mix the egg whites until they are stiff or when you hold upside down they won't fall but be careful haha.

Once stiff add the yolk and blended until well mixed. When mixed dip a pepper in batter and fry until golden brown. 

Place fried chiles in a baking pan and turn oven to warm meanwhile we cook the rice. 

Take a cup of rice and rinse with cold water until the water is no longer murky.

Drain. And in a medium size skillet warm up about 2 tablespoon of lard (yet again optional) and wait until heat up. Take your well drained rice and fry the rice until golden brown.
Meanwhile it fries start on the sauce. In a blender take 2 tomatoes, 1/4 of an onion, and 1 tablespoon of chicken bouillon with 1/4 cup of water and blended until smooth.

Once rice is golden brown add the tomato mixure along with 2 cups of water and bring to a boil.

When it comes to a boil turn heat to low and cover for about 15-20 minutes. Stir along the process but be careful not stir too much. 

And you are done! I know it is a lot of steps and work but trust me when you are finish you won't be disappointed! 

Don't forget to comment below! :)
- Dulce

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