
Friday, October 10, 2014

Why-The-Chicken-Crossed-The-Road Santa Fe Burger

Fun little story. Back in the day when my husband and I were dating, EVERYTIME we would go on a date we would always go to Red Robin. We would always get the samething too, the Santa Fe burger. Except since I am not a fan of meat all that much I would just sub mine for grilled chicken. It was heaven on earth! Up until the point that they disconnected the burger and trust me we were bummed. So much that I actually e-mailed Red Robin begging just to give me the recipe, haha. Since then I have made numberous attempts to remake the burger and I think I FINALLY got it.

We had a late dinner tonight and by late I mean 11 p.m. But since AJ doesn't get out until late it's fine. I do however want to apologize for the lighting on the photos and lack of photos :(. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this burger or chicken sandwich call it what you wish :) as much as we did. It was undoubtedly delicious.

2 Chicken Breast, sliced in half making four.
1 Onion, sliced. 
2 Poblano Peppers, roasted.
Sesame buns, remember you can just use your favorite. 
4 Sliced Swiss cheese
Gucamole, I was too lazy to make homemade so I just bought the Wholly Guacamole kind.
2 Potatoes 
Santa Fe Flavor Tortilla Strips 
Vegatable Oil
Weber Gourmet Burger Seasoning, for the chicken. 

Oh and FYI Fry's is having a sale on chicken right now, buy one get TWO free! Stock up your freezers :)


Start off by roasting the peppers in a roasting pan on medium heat.

When done place peppers in a plastic bag and seal well for about 10 mins. The moister will cook the peppers from the inside as well as making the peeling of the skin easier. 

Meanwhile, start on the onions. In a medium skillet over medium heat add a teaspoon of Vegatable oil. 

Once hot, add onions along with salt and pepper.

Mix well and cook them for about three minutes, after three minutes turn heat down to low and cover with lid for about 8 minutes or until golden brown and carmalized (not pictured I forgot!
), stirring often. 

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees

After ten minutes has passed, removed the skin of the peppers. Cut pepper in half, long ways and remove seeds, set aside. (Also not pictured, grrr!)

Place your chicken on an oven safe pan and coat back and front generously with seasoning and place in oven for exactly 18 minutes. (I like to think I have a sixth sense when cooking chicken, it always comes out juicy.) 

Once out of the oven, place cheese on the center of the chicken to melt and you are done to plate!! 

To plate, I put the buns in the oven while still hot to give them a little crunch. Anyway, on the bottom of the bun add mayo along with the chicken. On top of the chicken add your "grilled" onions, one half of a poblano pepper, lettuce, guacamole and on top tortilla strips. I served these with homemade French fries if you want that recipe, check out my Italian Sausages with Homemade French Fries recipe. 

And voilĂ , enjoy!!!

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